Green Justice

The Chinese Progressive Association is working with the Green Justice Coalition to create equity and access in the weatherization industry. From 2010–2012, Massachusetts is spending $1.4 billion in energy efficiency programs. We see this as a great opportunity for creating jobs for our community and to help residents save money and energy in their homes. We can WEATHERIZE our community, to help STABILIZE our community.

The Green Justice Coalition (GJC) is a coalition of over 40 community organizations, environmental groups, and labor unions. The GJC is working to create access to weatherization programs by:

  • Working with the utility companies to address barriers of “hard-to-reach” residents who are low-moderate income, renters, and limited English speakers.
  • Advocating for data to be shared on who is being served through the current program.
  • Promoting community outreach as an effective way to reach our communities about these programs.
  • Pushing for high job quality standards to be applied to the weatherization industry.

To learn more about the campaign you can visit

CPA is currently working with NSTAR, National Grid, the Painter’s Union, Aulson Company, and Renew Boston to pilot the GJC weatherization model. CPA is reaching out to Chinese community in Boston to weatherize their homes.  Residents who are income qualified can receive up to $3500 of free weatherization work to be done on their home. The weatherization work will be done by local workers identified by CPA and trained in collaboration with the Painter’s Union in weatherization and construction safety. The workers are then employed by the Aulson Company and become members with the Painter’s Union giving them priority access to the Painter’s apprenticeship program in the future. If you’re interested in supporting the program and weatherizing your home please call CPA at 617-357-4499.

With the support of SkillWorks, CPA and the Painter’s Union conducted a one week bilingual training to 14 low income underemployed workers in weatherization. Conducted at the Painter’s Union training center in Boston, workers learned the skills of basic air sealing, basic insulation, Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration’s (OSHA) worker safety training, and lead paint safety.