Federal Child Tax Credit Advance Payments Sent Out by July 15th

July 15, 2021
On July 15th, the federal government will send out its first advance payments of child tax credit. Earlier this year, under the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act, Congress temporarily expanded the Child Tax Credit for tax year 2021. Many families in our community have been struggling with not only financial and housing instability but also inaccessible childcare, especially during the pandemic. As a result, just and affordable childcare is an urgent issue and is important for many to find jobs and support their families. CPA has been working with community partners to demand childcare that fits the needs of our community and will continue to advocate long-term on this issue.
Join us at CPA on July 15th, 2021 at 4pm to learn more about the advance payments, how you can access them, resources you can use, and why CPA is trying to fight for just childcare in Massachusetts! We will be holding the event online over Zoom.
Please see the image above for more information on the child tax credit and what it means for our families. You can also access the image here.
If you have questions or need assistance, email Chae at [email protected] or call 617-433-8522.